Türkiye’nin teknoloji ürünleri ve ilgili tedarik zinciri yönetim hizmetleri alanında lider platformu edenge.com.tr’ın Android uygulamasıdır.
Bu uygulama ile edenge.com.tr üzerinden yapılabilen fırsat ürünü takibi, ürün inceleme, sepet yönetimi,ödeme kolaylığı, sipariş oluşturma ve sipariş takibi gibi birçok temel işlemi kolay, hızlı ve güvenli bir şekilde yapabilirsiniz.
Bu uygulama sadece Denge Bilgisayar müşterileri içindir. Denge Bilgisayar müşterileri edenge.com.tr kullanıcı adı ve şifresi ile uygulamayı kullanabilirler.
This is the Android application of edenge.com.tr, leading B2B platform in IT business in Turkey.
We try to serve best B2B platform experience for our partners through benefits like intensive product diversity, speed, 7x24 access, payment flexibility, user experience, advantages and information.
This application is only for Denge Bilgisayar
Turkey's leading technology platform products and related supply chain management services is edenge.com.tr Android application.
This can be done through edenge.com.t with the opportunity to apply product tracking, product review, cart management, ease of payment, in order to create and easy to order several basic operations such as tracking, you can quickly and safely.
This application is just for balance computer customers. Balance edenge.com.t Computer customers can use the application with user name and password.
This is the Android application of edenge.com.t is, leading B2B platform in the IT business in Turkey.
We try to serve the best B2B platform experience for our partners through benefits like intensive product diversity, speed, 7x24 access, payment flexibility, user experience, Advantages and information.
This application is only for Balance Computer